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Masters Then and Now
Code of Conduct
Parents, please Read and Review with your student(s)
Sign and Return to Atchison Art Association on the First day of Class, or
Mail to: Atchison Art Association, 704 North 4th Street, Atchison, Kansas 66002
Families with multiple participants can all sign just one form
The Atchison Art Association (AAA) hopes to provide your child with a fun and positive experience they will remember for many years to come. To help us provide a safe, secure and enriching environment for participants in AAA programs, all participants are expected to follow the Code of Conduct and to interact appropriately and productively in a group setting.
As a part of our programs, AAA wishes to encourage and teach responsibility and respect. The Code of Conduct has been created to encourage all minors participating in Youth Programs at AAA to foster these traits. Parents, please review the following Code of Conduct with your child and make sure they understand the expectations.
Code of Conduct
As an Atchison Art Association program participant I will:
Show respect to staff and cooperate fully with their instructions.
Know and follow the rules of the program in which I am participating.
Respect the rights and beliefs of others, and treat others with courtesy and consideration.
Communicate in an appropriate manner; refrain from using foul language or gestures, harsh words, or tone of voice.
Conduct myself responsibly to avoid risky (or unsafe) horseplay, unwelcome teasing, or other unkind behaviors.
Use program equipment, supplies, and facilities properly.
Respect the property of others.
Refrain from use of electronic devices which are not a part of my program experience.
Participate appropriately -- I will not disrupt the program and, or hinder the learning experience of others.
Remain with my program group at all times and not leave the program without permission.
Refrain from deliberately causing bodily harm to other participants or staff. I understand that pushing, kicking, hitting or fighting are not acceptable, and will not be tolerated.
Be fully responsible for my actions and understand that failure to follow this Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action or expulsion from the program.
Conduct Management
Minor incidents of code of conduct violations will be brought to the student’s attention and suggestions will be made on how to correct the behavior. Continued violation will result in a Time-out and notification of the parent. The staff will seek parental support to resolve issues and to encourage positive program participation. Participants who remain disruptive after consultation with the parents may be dismissed from the program.
Program Expulsion
Although every effort is made to correct Code of Conduct violations, at times it may be necessary for a participant to be dismissed from a program to ensure that other participants receive the positive experience AAA believes all participants
should have.
AAA is sensitive to the safety and positive experience of all participants and as such the following will not be tolerated:
Fighting or threatening of others (physical or verbal)
Leaving the AAA program without permission
Possession of and/or use of tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, fireworks or weapons of any kind
Refusing to follow the Code of Conduct or AAA program-specific rules
In such cases, the parent/guardian will be contacted by AAA staff and it is the responsibility of the parent to make immediate arrangements to pick up the student. In the case of dismissal from an AAA program, refunds or credits shall not be provided.
Thank you for taking the time to review this information with your child and helping to make
Atchison Art Association programs exciting and enriching for all participants.
I have reviewed with my child the AAA Youth Program Code of Conduct. I understand and agree to all of the terms presented in this Code of Conduct document. I also agree to address any concerns about an AAA program to a program staff member in a timely fashion so that it may be addressed in an appropriate manner.
Through Education, Outreach, and Exhibition, our mission is to provide access to the arts and avenues for artistic expression in the Atchison community and throughout the region.
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